Galbenului Gorges

by florin

Located in Baia de Fier, Gorj County, only 50 km from the city of Targu-Jiu and about 70 km from Râmnicu-Vâlcea, they are easily accessible by car and the view you will enjoy is superb.  The geologist Gheorghe Munteanu Murgoci wrote in 1908 in an article about the “Tertiary in Oltenia… “Oltețul River and Galben River spring from the heart of the mountain region and when they emerge from the crystalline rocks they pass through characteristic and picturesque gorges in the Jurassic limestones; in the northern part of the valley there are interesting widenings. As they escape from these gorges, they flow into wider beds cut 30-40 m into the wide fields of the Polovracilor and the Iron Bay, covered with coarse gravel, a huge double cone of the two rivers”.

From the DN67 we follow the signs to the Muierilor Cave, on the DJ675C and after 7 km of paved road we enter the perimeter of the Galbenului Gorges. After passing the local church (1749) we can see the vertical rock walls flanking the road. On the left side, the Galbenul River meanders through large rocks. It has managed to carve a wide path through the slopes of the Parâng Mountains, leaving traces of erosion and numerous cave mouths in the limestone walls. The most representative karst cavity in these gorges is the Muierilor Cave, located at a height of about 45 m on the slope.

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