Ursache’s Cross

by florin

Ursache's Cross

At an altitude of 1,000 metres, on the Padeș plateau in the Căpățânii Mountains, from where the Oltețului Valley is revealed to us in all its splendour, the traveller passionate about authentic nature, as well as a more gentle touch of history, can find the “Ursache’s Cross”. The route to follow is not complicated, from the Polovragi Monastery, 2 hours way, on a forest road that also passes near the Polovragi Cave, you can also reach our location.

About Dimitrie Ursache we have information inscribed right on the cross, but in Old Slavonic. We know that he was originally a captain of Hussars in Ardeal (!), before he crossed the Carpathian Mountains and became also a captain of Land, as well as “protector of the Novaks and Polovrags” in the county of Jiului de Sus (Gorj). This revival took place between the 18th and 19th centuries.

There is also information in the realm of legend about the cross. It is known for sure that it was erected in the first decade of the 19th century, some historical sources indicate the year 1800, others 1800-1801 and others 1808. Whether intended or not, Capt. Ursache erected it on a plateau where in Antiquity a well-known Dacian fortress had been built, the dava of Polovragi, legend tells us during the time of King Burebista. It is also supposed that this dava is the same as the fortress of Arcinna (!), identified by the geographer Ptolemy among “the most brilliant cities of Dacia”.

On the crests of the massive and imposing cliffs of the Oltețului Gorges there are two identical stone crosses: the Ursache Cross on the right side and the Ursache Cross on the left side. On the two identical hard stone crosses are carved inscriptions in Slavonic.


The path to the cross on the left side is accessible to everyone. To reach the plateau, start from the Polovragi Monastery clearing. The trail is fully maintained and marked. Climbing time is 1 hour.

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